Precision Turf Sale of item no longer needed - Please text or call for appointment or info - Address: 7090 Red Hawk Dr. Findlay, Ohio 45840

PARTIAL LIST - Commercial turf sprayer 600 gal., Pequa Mo. 606 wagon running gear, Hardwood lumber - lots 50-200 bd ft. per lot - (2500 bd ft total) Oak, Walnut, Ash, Hickory. Logosol 13' sawmill Model F2, Old Barn Beams (6 solid), Metal building siding (500 sq ft +or-), Horse drawn vehicle Park Phaeton (4 wheel owner driven) More……..

Commercial Grounds Care & Sprinkler System Installation in Northwest Ohio



Commercial & Large Residential Mowing

Finished mowing of larger commercial and residential lawns. Mowing intervals available to accommodate your needs.

Services include: string trimming as needed, trash pick-up, tree/shrub pruning, and mulching.


Fertilization & Weed Control

We provide fertilization and weed control programs for commercial/industrial sites, pipeline facilities, and homeowners. Our programs are customized to fit your individual needs.

Services include: fertilization, pre-emergent weed control, broadleaf weed control, and total vegetation control.

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Precision Turf offers new installations for homeowners, commercial sites, and athletic fields using quality Toro components.

We also provide service to existing systems, spring start-ups, winterization of system, and backflow testing.

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Pipeline & Industrial Mowing

Mowing of dike walls, using specialized equipment to address safety concerns. Rough cut mowing of right-of-ways and secondary areas also available using a flail type mower.



Aeration services offered to commercial sites, athletic fields, and larger homeowner sites. 

Putting green quality using a JD Aercore 1500. 2.5” X 2.5” consistent hole spacing with 3” + depth. High flotation tractor for light footprint. Aeration reduces compaction of soil and allows water and nutrients to more readily move through the soil to promote a healthy root system.

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Free Grounds Maintenance Quotes Designed To Meet Your Specific Needs


Skilled Professionals, Committed to Quality and Safety:



  • PTM crews have worked 20 consecutive years without a lost time accident

  • OSHA certified

  • ISNetworld and Veriforce member

  • Pesticide licensed applicator for Ohio and Michigan


  • 20 + years maintaining industrial and commercial site grounds

  • 20 + years installing and maintaining large irrigation systems

  • 20 + years providing large scale fertilization and pest control services

Our Team

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Wendy Marquart 

Wendy Marquart has been with Precision Turf for 20+ years, serving as the commercial grounds care manager. Wendy is a PLANET Landscape certified technician and is licensed pesticide applicator in Ohio and Michigan.

Contact Wendy for all your commercial or large residential  grounds care needs:

PHONE: 419-348-9604  


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Steve Hersch 

Steve Hersch has been with Precision Turf for 20+ years serving as the irrigation and pipeline (oil company facilities) mowing manager. Steve is a licensed irrigation backflow device tester and licensed pesticide applicator in Ohio and Michigan.

Contact Steve for all your irrigation system needs as well as pipeline facility grounds care:

PHONE: 419-348-9605  


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Rick Beach

Rick Beach founded Precision Turf Management (formerly Beach Lawn & Irrigation) more than 25 years ago.  With a Turfgrass Science degree from Michigan State University, Rick has been responsible for a wide range of grounds care activities from golf course maintenance to athletic field irrigation to total grounds care for large manufactures and oil company facilities.  

PHONE: 419-348-9602    


Our Clients Include

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